benson’s birth story

I love hearing about other people’s birth stories and, let’s be honest, I love talking about mine, as well. Bringing a baby and new LIFE into the world is filled with so many emotions for everyone involved.

Benson’s birth story was so easy and amazing compared to my 24 hour labor with Bode. I was induced with Benson. I will say I was definitely hesitant to be induced but it ended up going really well.

I was 40 weeks and 2 days on the day of my induction. I had signs of early labor but nothing consistent enough to be considered labor.

My husband, Nick and I went to the hospital super early on Friday, December 1st. Benson was born at 2:15 that afternoon. Before starting Pitocin, the doctor gave me a cervical ripening pill to help jump start labor. After 4 hours of resting, relaxing and waiting – we began Pitocin at 10:30am.

Immediately, my water broke and the contractions came at me full force. I requested the epidural. Similarly to my experience with an epidural during my last pregnancy – I still was in some pain during the contractions. After struggling with some heavier pain the nurse assured me that the labor was progressing really well! So well in fact they decided to turn off the pitocin. Finally, I remember the nurse notifying me that I went from 5-6cm dilated to 8-9 within about an hour or so. The next check was the nurse saying that baby was “right there!!” – she called for help to get the room ready for delivery and get my doctor in the room. My doctor checked me, as well and we did a practice push…he was ready to come out! The nurse and doctor had me close my legs and turn on my side until they were all prepared. During my next long contraction, I managed three big pushes and Benson was here! 

I felt really amazing! That was a complete breeze compared to my first pregnancy! Sadly, during my first pregnancy because I had been in labor for 24 hours, it was 4am,  and I had to push for nearly a full hour to deliver my oldest son – I was completely exhausted when Bode was born. With Benson, it was midday when he was born and I really had only an hour or two of intense labor pain – and less than a minute of pushing!

Another aspect of this delivery which made it such a positive experience was the hospital that I was at. During my delivery with my first son I didn’t have the best hospital experience – I hadn’t seen my OB in months, she wasn’t going to be at my delivery either. I was in the care of a lot of doctors in training, and Nick and I both felt shuffled around due to overcrowding in the hospital. It was definitely hard to relax, rest, and recover after labor.  With my most recent delivery I really got to experience the “golden hour” with more time to just relax skin to skin with my new baby. The nurses were super helpful and respectful of the bonding time, which is so important during the first hours/days with a new baby.


Overall, both of my sons’ birth stories had the most precious endings…two healthy baby boys <3

I wish I would have written a detailed birth story when Bode was born. I’m going to try to write one to compare and share.  Note to new moms – write a detailed birth story ASAP.


Thanks for reading –

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3 thoughts on “benson’s birth story”

  1. Congratulations Chelsey, I am so glad you had an easier delivery and most of all a beautiful healthy baby boy. You are so blessed with beautiful boys, enjoy your time with them. Love ya❤️

  2. I love this Chels ~ I couldn’t wait to hear about how Benson came into the world 💗. Looking forward to meeting him and seeing the gang next weekend! Love you all 😘

  3. This is well wRittenhouse Chelsea. I’m so happy that your delivery with Benson went so quick. I love the name Benson. He is super cute!

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